
L'amour In Christ

"Without love, we have nothing."



Funny Friday: Growing up Christian

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

Whether you grew up in a Christian household, or are a new believer, there’s something in here you’ll relate to.

1. And you have to go to bed at 9pm on Saturday to get any sleep beforehand.

1 Continue reading “Funny Friday: Growing up Christian”

Funny Friday: God’s Little Acre

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

We found some goodies over at God’s Little Acre that we thought we’d share. Which one is your favorite?


A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. All of a sudden he said out loud, “Lord, grant me one wish.” Suddenly the sky clouded above his head, and in a booming voice the Lord said, “Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.” The man said, “Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I want to.”

The Lord said, “Your request is very materialistic. Think of the logistics of that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for wordly things. Take a little more time and think of another wish, a wish you think would honor and glorify me.”

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, “Lord, I wish that I could understand women. I want to know how they feel inside, what they are thinking when they give me the silent treatment, why they cry, what they mean when they say ‘nothing,’ and how I can make a woman truly happy.”

After a few minutes God said, “You want two or four lanes on that bridge?”
Continue reading “Funny Friday: God’s Little Acre”

Funny Friday: Chewbacca Mom

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

It’s been about four months since Chewbacca Mom went viral. We were pleasantly surprised to find out that she’s a believer! You’ve heard it said that laughter is contagious, and this is no different. In case you haven’t seen it or need to see it again, we wanted to share it here!

In Love,

L’amour In Christ

Funny Friday: 7 Hilarious Christian Jokes

Funny Friday: Stand-Up with Michael Jr.

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

Christian comedian Michael Jr. tells it like it is. So many funny punch lines about church life, family life, and his career. Clean comedy that will make you laugh out loud!


In Love,

-L’amour In Christ

Funny Friday: Top 20 Christian Memes

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

We literally laughed out loud when we found these memes. Christian life has never been so funny. Don’t believe us? See for yourself.


1. And you thought you were whispering…

1 Continue reading “Funny Friday: Top 20 Christian Memes”

Funny Friday: Shoot Christians Say

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

Remember several years ago when there seemed to be a “Stuff [FILL IN THE BLANK] Say” for pretty much any type of person? Here’s the one for Christians and it’s pretty accurate. Continue reading “Funny Friday: Shoot Christians Say”

Funny Friday: Christian Comics

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

We stumbled upon a these hilarious Christian comic strips by A TIME TO LAUGH – CHRISTIAN BASED COMIC STRIPS. We thought you may appreciate the humor. Continue reading “Funny Friday: Christian Comics”

Funny Friday: Christian Clichés

God has a sense of humor and so do we. Let’s get the weekend started with a good laugh!

There are so many things that we’ve gotten used to doing that it’s hilarious to find out which ones have become cliché. Watch this video to see what we’re talking about, and we dare you not to laugh. Okay, you can laugh.

In Love,

-L’amour In Christ

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