
L'amour In Christ

"Without love, we have nothing."


Current Events

SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT A SAFE SPACE | Glowing Through It Ep. 03

Have you ever felt like everyone was passing you by, and your life was just stuck at a standstill? It’s hard not to compare or want what others have, but in this episode we’re going to share some lessons God has taught us and what helps us in these situations. Please share with anyone you think might be interested in this video. Continue reading “SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT A SAFE SPACE | Glowing Through It Ep. 03”

IS FEMINISM RUINING SOCIETY? | Glowing Through It Ep. 02

Is toxic masculinity a myth? Is feminism actually helping? In this episode, we’re diving into our personal experiences with both of these subjects and what we believe might be hurting society as a whole. Please share with anyone you think might be interested in this video. Continue reading “IS FEMINISM RUINING SOCIETY? | Glowing Through It Ep. 02”

WELCOME TO OUR PODCAST! | Glowing Through It Ep. 01

I’m Kytia L’amour, and in this video, I’m debuting the first episode of my podcast with my husband Jerrell!! Welcome to “Glowing Through It”. Please share with anyone you think might be interested in this video. Continue reading “WELCOME TO OUR PODCAST! | Glowing Through It Ep. 01”


I’m Kytia L’amour, and in this video, I’m talking about the celebrity news that’s been flooding our timelines. Some prominent entertainers have found Christ…or have they? Did you find this helpful? Please share with anyone you think might be interested in this video. Continue reading “ARE THESE BORN AGAIN CELEBRITIES REALLY SAVED?”

Bon Voyage: A Step of Faith

Our contributor Melissa has graciously allowed us to feature her writing with our readers. Stay tuned for more contributors in the future! This article was originally posted on MLove Life.

If you’ve been following our journey on Instagram you may have noticed a stream of Instastories featuring our travel in France.  This may be one of our biggest leaps of faith lived out from years of prayer.  In 2007 I began to learn about one of the world’s largest injustices, human trafficking.  It literally stopped my heart in its tracks to witness such a huge devastation to mankind.  As a member of humanity I simply couldn’t continue life knowing this was taking place on the very soil I walked on.  I had to get involved with my best efforts.  My best, at the time, was on canvas.  My husband and I created art to help bring awareness and drive funds to an organization that is directly helping rescue women and children out of trafficking.

As 2014 rolled around we began cultivating a brand I had always dreamed of bringing to life,  Continue reading “Bon Voyage: A Step of Faith”

Promo Tuesday with G.L.A.M. Camp for Girls

 Promo Tuesdays is where we highlight our brothers and sisters who are moving through ministry and small business while spreading the gospel as the Lord leads. Please support them by checking out their website and social media.

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Have you ever met someone and knew almost immediately that they were a world changer, and a force that wouldn’t let anyone or anything stand in their way? I felt this way upon my first encounter with Melinda Watts, the founder of G.L.A.M. Camp for Girls. I saw a model call for a photoshoot that was associated with this ministry and the Lord immediately said to submit my photo to them. It’s even interesting how that moment came to be because it was after browsing a few Instagram profiles that led me to media content creator Dr. Peace Amadi who was creative directing the photoshoot along with her friend and fashion blogger Seyi Famuyiwa. I have a special place in my heart for other women God leads to start ministries that focus on building up young ladies because I know they truly understand my calling to do the same. I could go on and on about Melinda, but I’d rather you see for yourself. Browse the website and check G.L.A.M. Camp out on their Instagram to see what they’re up to now. Continue reading “Promo Tuesday with G.L.A.M. Camp for Girls”

Promo Tuesday with The Black Business Tour

 Promo Tuesdays is where we highlight our brothers and sisters who are moving through ministry and small business while spreading the gospel as the Lord leads. Please support them by checking out their website and social media.

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On Facebook, my timeline is usually flooded with the dark side of politics, education, food, family, community, you name it. With our generation, there’s a lot of talking and a lot less doing. This sparked Mone’t’s passion to make a difference by spreading positivity and a call to action to support the Black community. It was a breath of fresh air when she founded The Black Business Tour and I saw her consistently interviewing Black owned businesses or going to an event that recycles Black dollars. When I tell you Mone’t is on the move, I mean she is on the move. And she does it so fashionably, might I add! Check out her social media if you want to keep up with her and see which businesses she’s visiting and what events are coming up. Do you want her to feature your business or event? Check out her services and rates right here.

Here’s a little about her company in her own words:

“We tour Black-owned businesses and share them with you! We emphasize a lifestyle of recycling Black dollars to rebuild COMMUNITY.”

In Love,

Kytia L’amour

Promo Tuesday with A21

 Promo Tuesdays is where we highlight our brothers and sisters who are moving through ministry and small business while spreading the gospel as the Lord leads. Please support them by checking out their website and social media.

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I found out about A21 on social media when someone shared about a human trafficking victim that was saved through their efforts. Seeing these stories pop up in the news feed and knowing that these are humans being saved all over the globe makes you want to yell “Praise God!” every time. The statistics on human trafficking are disturbing, and it’s easy to feel hopeless by such a widespread problem. However, companies like this–and the unfortunate victims–deserve your attention. Follow along to see the good work The Lord is doing through them and how you can help. Continue reading “Promo Tuesday with A21”

The Robertsons on “I am Second”

You may or may not have heard of Duck Dynasty. It’s a reality series that follows a Christian family and their duck hunting business. It literally exploded and became a huge success. On air, they discuss their family business, and always incorporate God into the show as much as they can. Here, “I am Second” sits down with a few of the members and reveals what a grip the enemy had on them before they accepted God into their lives.

We’d love to hear your testimony! How has the Lord changed your life? Continue reading “The Robertsons on “I am Second””

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